In this short article, we will provide an answer to the question "how long does vacuum sealed cheese last at room temperature?" and the shelf and storage practices for vacuum-sealed cheese. Moreover, we will discuss the signs of spoilage as well.

How long does vacuum sealed cheese last at room temperature?

It should not be kept at room temperature. When kept in the refrigerator, vacuum sealing increases the shelf life to four to eight months.

Vacuum sealing is an excellent method of packaging cheese. It is intended to provide the greatest possible look and preservation. Switching to vacuum packaging is a straightforward procedure, but you should consult with a competent vacuum sealer manufacturer to choose the appropriate vacuum sealer for your specific packaging requirements.


Vacuum packing is used by manufacturers for a variety of reasons. It is critical to maintaining the freshness and purity of cheese. The following are a few reasons why cheese producers might consider vacuum sealing for their cheese packaging requirements.

While it is critical to prevent food from rotting, the ultimate form of protection is to maintain the item's flavor, appearance, and freshness. That is precisely what vacuum packing does.

Extends Shelf Life — As previously stated, vacuum-sealed cheese has a shelf life of four to six months. Increasing the shelf life of products is a no-brainer for businesses.

Vacuum packing is visually attractive because it enables the customer can view the bulk of the goods they are buying. Packaging materials such as foil, containers, and other forms of packaging often conceal the actual nature of the product. A transparent, securely wrapped package reassures the customer.

Product Integrity — A vacuum seal protects the cheese from dust, vermin, moisture, and other environmental pollutants that might cause it damage or destruction, while also improving its appearance.

Vacuum sealing, when done properly, is a very efficient and effective technique for packaging and preserving cheese.

Simple Farm and Small Manufacturer Equipment – Vacuum sealers are small enough to be accommodated in smaller processing operations, such as farms.

What should you do with moldy cheese?

  • If you detect mold on natural cheeses in time, you may usually save a part or even the whole batch.
  • Scrape or cut away any mold that is just on the surface.
  • However, if the mold has entered the cheese, you will need to gradually remove portions until no more mold is visible. Then, for further assurance, trim some more.

Cheese freezing

In general, avoid freezing artisanal cheeses since they lose texture and often lose flavor characteristics.

However, if you're just melting or cooking with cheese, it's doubtful that you'll notice any adverse consequences from the freezing. Simply thaw it gradually in the refrigerator first. There is no need to freeze cheese unless necessary!

Vacuum-sealed cheese

When cheese is vacuum-sealed, moisture is retained while air is excluded. While this is an excellent technique of cheese preservation, as previously mentioned, cheese is alive, breathing organism.

Moisture in the cheese degrades it over time.

Before vacuum sealing your cheese, wrap it in wax or parchment paper. The paper will absorb any extra moisture, extending the shelf life of your cheese by at least a few months.

While this method will not preserve cheese indefinitely, it is the most effective method we have discovered for keeping cheese for extended periods.

How long can you store an unopened frozen and thawed piece of cheddar cheese?

Unopened cheddar cheese pieces defrosted in the refrigerator should be consumed within 3 to 4 days; unopened cheddar cheese chunks thawed in the microwave or cold water should be consumed immediately.

Frozen cheese tends to shatter and lose its flavor; a thawed piece of cheddar cheese is ideal for prepared meals such as sauces, soups, and casseroles.

How can you determine whether a piece of unopened cheddar cheese is spoiled or rotten?

Cheddar cheese that has gone bad generally develops an unusually hard texture, darkens in color, develops a strong odor, and mold may emerge; follow the steps above to remove mold from an unopened piece of cheddar cheese.


In this short article, we provided an answer to the question "how long does vacuum sealed cheese last at room temperature?" and the shelf and storage practices for vacuum-sealed cheese. Moreover, we discussed the signs of spoilage as well.


Hi, I am Charlotte, I love cooking and in my previous life, I was a chef. I bring some of my experience to the recipes on this hub and answer your food questions.